July 02, 2007

Conference starts

Seems the first day at the college: old friends reunions, laughs, ...

Before the two after-dinner sessions, an official from the GRC organization remembered (strongly remembered) the rules: no public relation of conference content.

Interesting rule: the rationale is to remove every possible block that could hinder the free discussion of advanced topics or new research lines. I agree, but this means here I can only post my sensations and the (public) titles of the talks.

So the two first sessions:
  1. On visual perception: half known phenomenas, half a new effect that elicited a general "Wow!" from the audience.
  2. On quaternions. Known mathematics, but some nice applications. Same of them were like an illusionist show.
Was hard to remain awake. But an interesting experiment was attempted: before questions, five minutes the people were forced to discuss together on the talk content. Nice method to make connections.


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