November 02, 2006

Free or commercial?

Last October 17th I was invited to talk at a (rather specialized) chemistry workshop. My talk was about the status of current chemistry visualization tools.

The majority of the audience agreed that was a "provocative talk". And this was exactly my intent.

But a person from a commercial company (producer of various software for chemistry) disagreed. His statement was: "If you pay nothing, you deserve what you are getting". That means usability problems, standard functionalities, etc.

I disagree, also if I find some logic in the argument.

But what do you think? Is it correct to equate free to quick-and-dirty? Is the condition of chem viz software desperate with no evolution possible?


At 17:13, Blogger Wawrzek said...

Of course he was wrong. There are a lot of great free programs and poor commerial one.

The advantage of commerical project are resource, for sure.

In this case (vizualization of chemistry), you have two different world. You have chemists, who want to have software making beutiful pictures, but don't know how to do this. And computer scientists who know how to do this sofware but don't know what exactly this programs should do. BTW I think they don't see why they should this software. So you need some resource to bring some chemists and programist together.


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